
Puasa kristen menurut alkitab
Puasa kristen menurut alkitab

puasa kristen menurut alkitab

If you are born again in the spirit and you have received God’s Spirit, by Whom you have become a son of God and His nature dwells in you, then you can no longer say, that God has blessed science. Are scientists appointed and blessed by God? This has become visible in the current state of the church, and the perverted truth that is being preached. The world has embraced their knowledge, wisdom and scientific laws and theories, and slowly the church has opened her door and has embraced this knowledge, wisdom and science as well. How many famous philosophers through all ages have received new insights and knowledge and developed new scientific laws and theories on the basis of revelations, visi, hallucinations, and dreams? Some well-known examples are Socrates, Rene Descartes, Dimitri Mendeleev, Alfred Russell Wallace, August Kekelee, Shrinivasa Ramanujan, Otto Loewi en Louis Agassiz. And that’s exactly what we see happening around us, because many churches have become apostate of the Word and don’t live according to kehendak Allah lagi.īut the devil doesn’t only work by casting thoughts in the mind, but he also works in the mind by means of hallucinations, hipnose, visi, wahyu, and dreams. Through the mind of people, he raises thought, which seems so pious, wonderful, hopeful and promising, but in reality go against the Word of God and produces perversion and apostasy. Because every word, bertindak, and deed derives from the mind of a person. Dia tahu, that when you possess someone’s mind, you possess the person’s life. iya nih, he has great power in the mind of many people, even in the mind of believers, who give him room, so that he can build his strongholds in their mind and destroy their lives. One of the areas he works at, is the mind of people. He considers himself equal to God and therefore he comes as God.

puasa kristen menurut alkitab

The devil comes as an angel of light and performs many miracles, tanda-tanda, dan keajaiban. Karena itu, many Christians don’t walk in faith after the Spirit and the written Word of God, but they walk in faith after the flesh and the written words of man and the science of this world. Karena banyak kebohongan, yang diberitakan, the believers have developed more faith in human knowledge and wisdom and in science, than in the Word of God. This has ensured that the faith of many Christians has been affected by doubt, and many Christians have started doubting the authenticity and truth of God’s Word.

puasa kristen menurut alkitab

They spread lies, through their sermons and books, that contradict the Word of God. Bagaimana mereka melakukannya? By preaching and teaching their own philosophies, inventions, imaginations, dan pendapat, which are created by the wisdom and knowledge of this world. Their mission is to ensure that believers start doubting the authenticity and truth of God’s Word and compromise with the world, so that they will leave the Word of God. Pengkhotbah, who belong to the world have the same tendency as their father the devil, and that is to sow doubt in the hearts of the believers.

Puasa kristen menurut alkitab